Thursday 19 May 2011

A Little Inspiration

With some encouragement from a friend and fellow blogger, I've set this little page up. I've recently finished my exams for my 1st year doing Medical Science (with the hope to do Post-Graduate Medicine) but have many years of exams and panic revision left! I've decided I need a hobby for the Summer and so I think I'm either going to do a bit of painting, or some photography.

At the moment I'm just thinking of as many things I can do to keep me busy and so that I have something to show at the end of Summer, to prove it wasn't as wasted 4 months!

As for painting, I've had some weird ideas... As I'm into Medical things, I was thinking about doing some abstract medical paintings, a bit morbid, I know! But I think it could be interesting, and in a way, educational as well as art.

1 comment:

  1. It's looking really nice so far! :) I think seeing your paintings would be really great. Abstract is a nice break from all the concept I've been looking at, much more relaxing too.. ^^ Take your time, and just see the blog as a place to put your thoughts :D I find it's more of a hobby like that, rather than something I'm committed to.
